Resources in Resilience


Growth After Trauma

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2020 is permeated with trauma, resilience, and growth. During this upheaval of all things familiar, many of us turn to family, friends, and professionals to help us navigate the overwhelming amount of stress and emotion that flood every moment of our days. At One Summit, our community is filled with experts of all ages with skills garnered through their own life experiences with cancer, combat, loss, and now an unforeseen pandemic. Driven by our mission, we have been at the forefront of addressing trauma and building resilience since our founding in 2014.

We have been fortunate to access the knowledge and support of Dr. Richard Tedeschi, applying his study of Posttraumatic Growth to help guide the principals of our curriculum. Recently Dr. Tedeschi wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review (HBR) addressing our world's current state and the potential of Growth After Trauma. With the HBR and Dr. Tedeschi's gracious permission, it is an honor to share the article with our community.

Please click the link provided – this timely Resource in Resilience is worth the read:

HBR Executive Summary: "At some point, we will be able to reflect on the long-term consequences of this terrible time," the author writes. "Almost certainly [they] will include some good along with the bad."

Negative experiences can bring a recognition of personal strength, the exploration of new possibilities, improved relationships with others, a greater appreciation for life, and spiritual growth. Posttraumatic growth often happens naturally, Tedeschi says, but it can be facilitated in five ways: through education (rethinking ourselves, our world, and our future), emotional regulation (managing our negative emotions and reflecting on successes and possibilities), disclosure (articulating what is happening and its effects), narrative development (shaping the story of a trauma and deriving hope from famous stories of crucible leadership), and service (finding work that benefits others).

Richard G. Tedeschi is a professor of psychology emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The distinguished chair of the Boulder Crest Institute; a non-profit whose vision is to ensure that combat veterans, first responders, and their families can live great lives in the aftermath of trauma. And a co-author of Posttraumatic Growth (2018).