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A Joyful Start to Fall | Climb for Courage Virginia Beach - Fall 2024

By Maxwell Svec, One Summit, Director of Programs

By Maxwell Svec, One Summit, Director of Programs

On September 7th, we returned to Virginia Beach to commence our exciting Fall 2024 Climb for Courage (CFC) program lineup. It was nice to be back in action after a summer full of planning and working behind the scenes to get ready for more climbing programs across our service markets. We welcomed a group of incredible people who came together for a joyous and wonderful day full of climbing, connection, and fun. In attendance were 14 patients and siblings from Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, and Duke Children's Hospital, who spent the day with 18 Navy SEAL mentors and 8 Team Leaders and volunteers.

All the families arrived early, eager to begin the festivities and meet the Navy SEALs hidden out of sight in the back corner of the gym. The suspense was building, and as soon as it was time to get started, the SEALs came around their secret corner to form two lines called the gauntlet. They cheered and high-fived all the Little Warriors as the kids walked through the lines, their faces looking a little nervous but joyful. What followed was the traditional matching ceremony, and one by one, each Little Warrior was paired up with their Navy SEAL mentor, with whom they would spend the day.

At the conclusion of the matching ceremony, the parents and caregivers headed out for some free time of their own, and the Team Leaders began working with the groups to create team names and get to know one another. Our team names included incredible monikers such as The Swifties, The Robleacheys, Unicorn, and Chicky Nuggy! After the teams worked with their mentors to set some goals for the day, they set their sights on making their first moves up the walls. Soon, they donned their helmets and harnesses and got to work.

Throughout the afternoon, the sounds of cheering, laughter, and shouts of encouragement reverberated across the high walls of the gym. Goals were achieved and even surpassed! Ice cream was enjoyed, LEGO creations were built, climbing races were held, and friendships were formed. A few hours for kids to just be kids were well spent doing just that. Courage, resilience, fun, and a return to childhood and normalcy were in full effect as the day marched on.

As Climb for Courage began to wind down, the parents and caregivers started to return to find their children playing, smiling, and climbing in every corner of the gym. Upon walking in the door, one dad spotted his daughters and exclaimed, "Are those my kids on that wall?!" It was clear that he was in awe of his children, who were a bit shy and apprehensive just a few hours ago. No more! Both girls had come out of their shells, climbing and enjoying the company of their new Navy SEAL friends. After convincing the Little Warriors to come down from their high places and finish up their activities, it was time for the final pinning ceremony. Each Little Warrior received from their mentor their very own trident pin to take home, a significant symbol for all Navy SEALs and their work in the teams. Each mentee was called up one by one to receive their pin, proudly bestowed upon them by their Navy SEAL mentors. During each pinning, many mentors shared anecdotes about the goals their mentees had met during the day or a moment when they were proud of them. This ceremony is always very special to witness, allowing parents and caregivers to hear about the new bond between their child and their mentor.

Before each Climb for Courage program, we ask the Little Warriors to tell us what they think a Navy SEAL is. In answer to that question, here are some of the responses we got from this Virginia Beach program's participants:

• "Really strong and courageous people and they worked really hard to get to where they are now."

• "[Part of ] a team that works together."

• "Someone who works hard."

• "A warrior."

• "Someone really strong."

• "A brave, cool guy!"

• "Tough."

• "A really strong person."

Any one of those sentences could easily be a quote from a Navy SEAL mentor describing what they think a patient or sibling who has gone through a pediatric cancer experience is like. This clearly illustrates the special connection our Little Warriors and our mentors share. They are like-minded warriors who learn from each other throughout the Climb for Courage experience and beyond, and it's apparent that there is strength and bravery to be had on both sides of the mentor-mentee relationships in our One Summit community. After Climb for Courage, one of the SEALs said it best:

[Climb for Courage is] an opportunity to make an impact on kids who look up to us and have been dealt a pretty tough hand in life. I also feel that we benefit from this just as much as they do.

– Navy SEAL Mentor

The feedback from families, mentors, and volunteers immediately following the climb illustrates our mission's impact. The testimonials below fortify our commitment to improving outcomes for our resilient Little Warriors with year-round support and dedication to growing our presence in the Virginia Beach area.


[After the program my son] was very confident and just in a great mood. Very proud to show off his SEAL gear!

– Parent

[At first] I felt a little scared and excited but after [the event] I felt only excited!"

– Little Warrior

The experience of bringing joy and excitement to a family who is dealing with serious challenges was unforgettable.

– Navy SEAL Mentor

[I overcame the challenge of getting to the top] by taking a second and believing I could fly.

– Little Warrior

[My daughter] was super excited she conquered her fear of climbing. She has been pumped about having a new friend!

– Parent

I feel so happy and excited!

– Little Warrior

[Climb for Courage is a] powerful experience that really offers perspective. Getting to see those kids face their fears and get up that wall is special.

– Navy SEAL Mentor

[After Climb for Courage] I feel happy. Happier than before today.

– Little Warrior

[As SEALs] we need reminders for who and what we are actually defending, and it's incredible to meet someone who is so much younger who is fighting a way bigger fight than most have ever faced.

– Navy SEAL Mentor

[Before] I was nervous but now I feel confident!

– Little Warrior

I wanted to say thank you for giving my husband and I the opportunity to have a lunch date alone.

– Parent

[Before] I was scared and excited but now I'm happy and believe in myself

– Little Warrior

[Climb for Courage is] good for the soul.

– Navy SEAL Mentor

Before I thought I could never climb to the top of the wall. Now, even though I didn't achieve my goal, I know I can keep working to make it.

– Little Warrior

On Sunday morning, we returned to the gym to host our alum program, Climb Higher, for past Climb for Courage participants. We welcomed back a record number of participants for Virginia Beach—17 Little Warriors, 11 mentors, and several volunteers. We even welcomed a brand-new family to the One Summit community who could not attend Climb for Courage the day before. The group spent an action-packed and fun-filled morning climbing walls, drawing comics, catching up with old friends, making new ones, and sharing many stories and laughs together! Feeling the joy and reconnection in the room reinforced to our team the importance of Climb Higher and the need to create opportunities for Climb for Courage participants to get together again and again.

Our Climb for Courage and Climb Higher programs would not be as fun and impactful as they are without our generous sponsors and partners. Their dedication to our mission and support of our work have allowed us to increase our impact in the Virginia Beach community continuously, and we are incredibly grateful for their partnership.

We were delighted that once again, our Virginia Beach Climb for Courage was fully stocked with sweet treats from Be Free Craft Ice Cream! One Summit mentor and veteran, Chris Fettes, owns Be Free and generously supplied our Little Warriors and mentors with incredible ice cream. Thank you, Chris, for not only sharing your tasty creations with us but also for spending the day with us as a mentor. We appreciate all of your contributions to the One Summit community!

We also welcomed back the contributions of another partner of ours, Pass the Bricks, and their Virginia ambassadors, Francisco and his father, David. The duo assembled a wonderful collection of LEGO sets for our Little Warriors to choose, build with their mentors, and then take home as a keepsake of their time together. Pass the Bricks is an organization started by Charlie Jeffers in Marin County, CA, to collect used LEGO bricks, sanitize and sort them, design "new" sets, and distribute them to deserving kids to use and love. Charlie's idea grew quickly, and we are very grateful for his ambassadors, Francisco and his father, David, and their contributions to Climb for Courage in Virginia Beach. Thank you, Pass the Bricks!

We also want to thank Rob and the kind staff at Send It Climbing for being so flexible, accommodating, and supportive of our mission and programs. We genuinely enjoy working with you and hosting our program at your gym.

We would be remiss if we did not send our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters (CHKD) staff for always ensuring that our program flyers find their way into the hands of families receiving treatment there. We continue to be in awe of all the ways in which you look out for and support the patients and families you serve. A huge shoutout also goes to Chris Brogan from Naval Medical Center Portsmouth for always connecting us with wonderful patients and families who could benefit from our program. We can't thank you enough for always taking our calls and spreading the word. We also want to thank our alum families for sharing our program with other cancer families in your orbit, which allows us to continue growing our community of like-minded warriors in the Virginia Beach area. Thank you all.

See you in 2025, Virginia Beach! We already can't wait to be back.

Are you interested in participating in an upcoming Climb for Courage? Please apply on our website or email for more information!